Vast Group

Welcome to Vast Group blog site, we are a specialist property services company based in central London.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

summer cleaning

Jobs such as ensuring the plumbing and drains have fully survived the winter are often overlooked, simple cleaning and maintenance should be done to prevent major and expensive repairs.

"Blocked drains and corroded fittings can lead to a multitude of problems, such as water damage from burst pipes, and can prove costly to repair. Dripping taps, toilets that don't flush properly and water coming out of overflow pipes are sure signs that your plumbing needs an overhaul and should be checked as part of the spring cleaning process," said Vast Group Technical Director.

Vast has produced a simple check list for homeowners to ensure problems are identified quickly and that major repair work can be avoided:

• Always know where your main stop valve is located and ensure it is labelled. It is on the incoming mains water supply and is often under the kitchen sink.

• Stop valves tend to corrode slightly with time, so check that it's working by exercising the valve twice from fully open to fully closed and back again (and always close the valve 'half a turn' from fully open once you're done).

• Inspect toilet cisterns both inside and out for operation and wear. If there are any signs of corrosion or leaking, contact a reputable plumber.

• Visually inspect any cold water storage tanks in the attic for leaks, water level, protective lids and thermal insulation. Also, if fitted, check the hot water cylinder in the airing cupboard for signs of damage or leaks and exercise all available valves.

• Install a strainer in plug holes to catch hair and other objects that could block drains.

If you find a problem, or suspect there may be one, have an established plumber inspect pipes for leaks, damage and corrosion. By using a CCTV camera in the pipes, plumbers can inspect and pinpoint exactly where drains are cracked, damaged or misaligned.
Ask the plumber to give a diagnosis of the work needed and provide a written estimate up front. The ones who don't probably have something to hide such as VAT costs or other 'extras'.

Find a plumber that will allow you to pay for a job when it is complete and you are fully satisfied with the work.

Plumbing is becoming increasingly technical. Always seek a qualified professional plumber such as Vast Group. Call them 24 hours a day on 0207 147 9952

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